Invest With Tarl

Tarl's Weekly Insights 11/29

Nov 29, 2023

Welcome to “Tarl's Weekly Insights," my take on real estate today. 

In these newsletters, we'll dive deep into the real estate world, share valuable investment strategies, and explore the craziness that life has thrown my way. Whether it’s my struggle and journey of overcoming flipping, deciphering the insanity of the market, successful strategies being used in REI, or just me making fun of social media real estate investors...

I can't wait to share it all with you.


My appraisal came back low...


Who you hang around most, you become. I heard this so many times, yet I never fully understood or accepted it until I was in my late 20s. I decided to move to Seattle then and also decided to go hardcore in real estate. Being new to a city, I had to make a whole new friendship base. In which case, my entire new base of friends (through a variety of circumstances), ended up being some of the largest real estate investors as well as many of the biggest listing real estate agents in all of the Pacific Northwest. Less than 12 months later, I am buying multiple properties a month and on track to do hundreds of did that happen? I didn't have a plan for this. I also didn't think for a second that I should do ONE property...everyone I hung out with did I figured that is what you are supposed to do volume.

Your network is everything in this business, but it is also everything when it comes to having a fun and filled life (in my opinion). There are so many investors and successful business owners out there, but not all of them I want to hang out with. Yet...most of those I hang out with, are movers and shakers in real estate and business...the ones I choose to hang with are also amazing parents, loving friends, giving humans, adventurous, have messed up humors like me, and are there when I need them most. True friends.

You choose who you associate with. Choose wisely.


I'm hosting a FREE webinar all about how to successfully flip houses in 2024. Join me on December 14th at 7 PM ET to learn more!

Let's stay connected! Find me on social media at @tarlyarber and stay updated with additional videos and content.

That's it for this edition of Tarl's Weekly Insights! Stay tuned for more each week!

Talk Soon,

Tarl Yarber